IoT Solutions for Energy Efficiency and Digitalization | ADD Bulgaria

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14.08.2024 г.    14.08.2024 г.    145 addbulgariaaddbulgaria

IoT Solutions for Energy Efficiency and Digitalization | ADD Bulgaria

Директория » Бизнес и търговия


Advanced Metering Infrastructure ✓Low Voltage Substation Management ✓Smart Street Lighting ✓Controllers, Sensors, Platform ≫ VISIT☛

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Home About us Solutions Smart cities Intelligent Energy Measurement ADDAX Intelligent Street Lighting GridBit SLMS Smart Grid Monitoring GridBit EIM Projects Blog Contacts Menu Home About us Solutions Smart cities Intelligent Energy Measurement ADDAX Intelligent Street Lighting GridBit SLMS Smart Grid Monitoring GridBit EIM Projects Blog Contacts Search Search Close this search box solutions for energy efficiency digitalization and automation for utilites cities and industrial enterprises for almost years ADD Bulgaria Leader in the Intelligent IoT Solutions We are one of the first companies in Bulgaria to develop integrate and deploy in mass rollouts our IoT solutions for the energy distributors municipalities and industrial enterprises Our mission is to facilitate smooth digital energy transition through modernization of metering lighting electrical and other types of infrastructures The main goal of digitalization is to optimize processes utilize assets and get closer to more efficient and sustainable resource usage Learn more Linkedin Envelope Innovative solutions Intelligent Energy Measurement ADDAX Solution for distribution system operators Learn more Intelligent Street Lighting Management GridBit SLMS Solution for cities and residential areas Learn more Smart Grid Monitoring and Management GridBit EIM Solution for distribution system operators and industrial enterprises Learn more Smart Cities Energy efficiency management systems for sustainable cities Learn more Why Add Bulgaria Installed smart electricity meters Installed data concentrators cities and towns with our street light system YEARS OF MARKET EXPERTISE Electricity distribution companies using our system LARGE INTEGRATOR PARTNERSHIPS Customers and partners Blog Smart energy metering with EVN Bulgaria long journey with excellent outcome Learn more July pm Intelligent system for management and monitoring of street lighting in the municipality of Sozopol In ENERGY EFFECT EAD contacted ADD BULGARIA looking for partner for the implementation and maintenance of an intelligent street lighting monitoring and management Learn more July am Intelligent monitoring and management system in Dragoman municipality In after the successful implementation of an intelligent street lighting management system in the municipality of Sozopol the contractor Energy Effect EAD again contacted Learn more July pm All news Need more details about our solutions Take look at our presentation get in touch and let talk about energy efficiency resource management and smart city No obligations agree to the Terms and Conditions of the website Send message Join our innovative community Be the first to know about our latest IoT innovations in the energy industry Subscribe ADD Bulgaria years of innovative IoT solutions Follow us Facebook Linkedin in Information About us Blog Contacts Innovative solutions Smart Cities ADDAX Smart Electricity Metering SLMS Intelligent Street Lighting EIM Electrical Infrastructure Monitoring and Management Contacts Vassil Aprilov blvd Plovdiv Bulgaria email protected email protected All rights reserved ADD Bulgaria Terms and Conditions

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add iot for energy efficiency and digitalization bulgaria solutions smart lighting street management metering slms gridbit our learn cities more intelligent the about eim innovative blog contacts addax system monitoring